Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Peace and Calming

I share an "office" with 3 other ladies... it's kinda more like a cave and was only meant for one person. We're hidden away on the far side of the other offices with a foyer and large conference room in between the two. It's good that we all 1. get along and 2. work from home whenever possible. Some days though are pretty squished.

Yesterday was one of those days. As I was working on what felt like my gagillionth mail merge of the day, going back and forth from the cave to the printer (located on the far side of the building... it was good exercise) I walked back into the cave and it smelled like heaven. HEAVEN. The scent would hit me ever so nicely as I ran back and forth. Finally I asked Catherine what it was. Her reply? PEACE and CALMING. I stood there looking quite confused as she kindly explained. She does compliance issues for Hospice and is also a reflexologist. She's very into essential oils and alternative medicines. I am not. She goes on to explain that the scent is an essential oil called "peace and calming" and she would be happy to share. I accepted because really it smelled like peace and calming. She dabbed a bit on my wrist like perfume and it was magic.

Later I get home and Little Man was.... I don't even know how to explain it. A terror? Horrific? The culmination of a long, busy weekend and two weekdays sans nap. He pushed Zizi to her limits, which are way beyond mine. So after Wil left for Scouts, I was trying hard to not lose my patience or temper. (When you only have a couple hours to spend with them, the last thing you want to spend that time doing is disciplining the ongoing tantrum... but so it was.) Then I remembered my peace and calming. I held my wrist up to my face and inhaled, thinking "peace and calming". It was soothing. I think I might have to ask Catherine for more.

So if you happen to see me sniffing my wrist and mumbling, "peace and calming", you won't think I'm quite so crazy.


Anonymous said...

Oh, I won't think you're crazy. I'll -know- you're crazy. You married that crazy guy I love so much after all. I hope things go more smoothly the rest of your week.

Amy said...

I will need a vat of it sent to my house ASAP. Please send info. I wanna SNIFF!

Mimi said...

I wonder what it would have done if you invited little man to have a sniff?