Friday, April 3, 2009

Big Boy Day!

We did it. We survived Big Boy Day - Little Man's first day without the pacifier. Highlight's of Big Boy Day.... we made "pupcakes" with sprinkles, watched the new episode of Yo Gabba Gabba, he picked out his own clothes (brown & red striped pjs), played outside with Daddy and went to bed about 9pm without a tantrum. There was no nap or quiet time, but we also had a friend over to play, so we'll see how that goes throughout the week. At Little Man's request and as a reward for his good behavior today, we get to go to the store and pick out a new shark for our fishtank.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Oh, I'm so glad the first day was so smooth! Put that in your mental pocket in case there are rough waters tomorrow. Yay Little man. Yay L-train!