Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My day "off"

Once a upon a time, I looked forward to days off of work like Little Man looks forward to lollipops. Especially days off when the thermostat was close to 90. I would sleep in, find a partner in crime (almost always it was Heidi) and, armed with sunscreen, sunglasses, books, water and snacks, we would head to the pool for a few hours of lounging. This was usually followed by going out to lunch/dinner and a movie (usually something in the chick flick genre). It was quiet and oh so relaxing.
Today... not so relaxing. There was no pool or movie. They were replaced by cleaning a bathroom, going to Joy School, being sprayed with pee as Little Man tries to learn how to use the big potty while standing up, and laundry... lots and lots of laundry. Don't get me wrong, it's been a good day home with the boys and it feels really good to have a clean bathroom again. But sometimes I miss a real day off and realize just how much I took for granted the freedom to do nothing but watch Buffy all day long, if I really wanted to.

The best part of my day "off" is still to come... Zee and I are meeting Mom for dinner. Heids, I wish you were here!
(photo courtesy of gaylord hotels)


Heidi Totten said...

Isn't it amazing how we took that time for granted and wished for "more"? I cherish those days. :) I love life now, but I realize now that I loved life then! I wish I was there, too!

Dasha said...

When you're a mom, there's no such thing as a day off. To really have time off you have to leave, it seems. Sounds like you need a ladies' weekend or at least a ladies' night!