Friday, May 25, 2007


I found this one at Target. The one I saw at KMart didn't have a sand side to it and was only $30. The other ones I've found online were all more expensive, but so far both Target and WalMart have had them online.


Amy said...

Thanks, Train! That's funny that they chose a girl Jane's age and a boy Ben's age for the models. It must mean that I'm destined to have one, eh? haha. Thanks for the tip!

Heidi Totten said...

We actually have two of them but the sand one is kept at grandma and grandpa's house and the water one kept at our house. Mostly because I saw the mess that sand makes and said, "Uh oh!" He seems to like the water mostly anyway.

Heidi Totten said...

This is the one that my Goose has. But we only paid $15 for it at the end of season.