Thursday, May 31, 2007

My friends

Sometimes it's strange for me to hang out with the ladies in my ward. Don't get me wrong they are very cool women, with whom I have a fabulous time. I find it strange because most of the women who are my age have been married longer than 2.5 years and have kids who are a lot older than little man. The ladies who are at a similar place in their lives are 10+ years younger. So I find myself still relating best to the single sisters and my mother's friends.... do I want to know what that says about me?


Heidi Totten said...

I'm with ya. Fortunately my next door neighbor is an old lady like me with young kids. Otherwise I am the wise old sage.

Amy said...

So interesting that you should bring this up. I thought there was something wrong w/ me! I get along swimmingly with grandmotherly-type of women! We bond, we giggle, we connect and enjoy one anothers' company. I particularly love widows. They are lovely. The group I'm having a really hard time with lately are the middle-aged women later-30's, early 40's. I get crusties from them when I'm teaching and when I share my stories about my kids, they grunt and say, "just wait till they're teenagers." (sigh) C'mon, ladies! I'm going to sit with the widows!

laurenthequeen said...

This is why I love my girls!

Amy said...

P.S. You need a title to this post. Perhaps "My old friends" or something. Gotta have titles, Train.

laurenthequeen said...

The title is always the hardest part for me.

Amy said...

Don't worry...I'll read and love your posts with or w/o titles :)