Saturday, May 26, 2007

The List

We were right on schedule and doing well with our weekend to-do list until 11am today. That is when our wonderful friend, Dari, called and said, "the pool is open and we are planning to spend the afternoon hanging out in it. You are welcome to join us." The plans changed immediately. Once we made a quick stop at Wal-mart for a pool floatie and sunscreen, we were eager to get Little Man down for a nap and head on over. It was GREAT! Little man loved the pool and they invited us for dinner too. We did get the closet cleaned out, but the boxes here can wait until another day.


Heidi Totten said...

Ahhh, spontaneity! I love it!

Amy said...

Seriously, nothing is SO important it takes priority to some fun quality family time. Good for you!