Saturday, May 19, 2007

My first black eye?

Tomorrow morning we will see if little man has given me my first black eye. My fingers are crossed that the ice pack on my eye will keep it from (1) swelling shut and (2) turning purple (even thought it is my favorite color). You may wonder exactly how this came to be... We were finishing up our bedtime routine with his nighttime bottle, books and family prayer. He was sitting on the bed in front of me and was not happy with the prospect of putting away his toys. He threw his head back as hard as he could. Usually I can catch him without too much of a problem, but he caught me off guard and connected with my eyebrow in just the right spot. It was the kind of force that makes you go quiet until the room stops spinning. I handed little man off to Wil and felt my eyelid expand as he said prayers. I got my contacts out without too much trouble, but was surprised at how big my eyelid had gotten. I couldn't tell if little man was more upset by my reaction to the whole thing, the rapid swelling or Wil's "lecture" about hurting Mama. If it does turn a lovely shade of blue or purple, I promise to take pictures.


Heidi Totten said...

A) Awww, your first Little Man black eye.
B) When did you start wearing contacts?
C) At least purple is your favorite color!

laurenthequeen said...

I got contacts right before we moved back East, so I've had them for two years now. I was wearing my glasses most of the time until little man bent them. And yeah for purple! I put my darkest purple eyeshadow on the eye that isn't bruised and cream eyeshadow on the one that is. The best part was that no one really noticed.

Amy said...

Shoot, sorry to hear about the eye, Train. Hope it heals soon.

laurenthequeen said...

My brother saw it today and thought it was my make-up. His words, "I thought you were just goin for a hussier look". Is "hussier" even a word?

Heidi Totten said...

Hussier. Hmmmm. Well, I guess it could be a word. Where are the pictures?!

Amy said...

PICTURES...PICTURES..PICTURES!!! (with my fists pounding the keyboard)