Thursday, May 24, 2007

Whistle while you work

I went to our quarterly Enrichment meeting last night and the theme was "Lighten' Up". Something I really needed to hear. So this morning while little man was fussing for me to pick him up and I was trying to get tonight's dinner for the missionaries started, I let him "help" with the dishes. 20 minutes later, my dishes are done and I actually get to stop and post something more than the HUGE pictures of my eye. Thank goodness for well water that costs us nothing and the plastic dishes from IKEA. Until just now when he realized he can dump bowls of water on the floor...gotta go!

It was definitely worth the dry outfit.


Heidi Totten said...

Ohhhh, my Josh LOVES playing with cups and water in the sink. I think Walmart has little water tables that you can put outside and let him go to town. I can't believe he is old enough to do all of this. Where has the time gone?!

laurenthequeen said...

I saw one at K-Mart and couldn't decide if it was worth the $30 or not. This may have changed my mind.

Heidi Totten said...

It's so worth it. But wait and see if it goes on sale. We paid $15 for ours at the end of the summer.

Amy said...

What's a water table, ladies? Give me the scoop. I'm tired of mopping water up off the floor!

Lin said...

he looks so big!! don't let him grow ANYMORE while I am gone, k?

laurenthequeen said...

The one I saw was a play table that was deep in the center and would hold water. There were some water wheel toys and stuff the stood up off of it. Looks like ti would be great for outside. I'll see if I can find one online and send you the link.