Thursday, May 24, 2007

Memorial Day - Revised List

-Dinner for the Elders

-Wil comes home early (HOORAY!!)
-Lauren gets laundry done.
-Stop at KMart
-Visit Grandmother and Granddad

-Clean out closet at the house.
-Go through stuff in basement/trailer
-Move anything else that we need at apartment
-Finish unpacking the apartment.

-Dinner with Mom & Dad (?)

-Prince Frederick errands
-Drop off the car
-Fix the crib
-Set up the new fish tank.


Heidi Totten said...

Oh see, now I'm tired. :) Because you have it itemized by day. We may get most stuff done on Saturday so that all we do Sunday and Monday are naps. But four things a day - that's a killer. :)

Or we might just scrap the whole thing and watch 'Backyardigans' all weekend.

laurenthequeen said...

Then we'll come to your house and join you. Do you still have the big beanbag chair? It would be like old times...just the Backyardigans instead of Buffy.

Heidi Totten said...

Even BETTER - we have a big old lovesac that my dad got for free when he bought a car. It's a memory foam beanbag. It rules.

laurenthequeen said...

WooHoo. Thursday & Friday are basically done, with the exception of the laundry. Adam peed on our bed this afternoon. But really, is the laundry ever done?