Thursday, July 12, 2007

A do-nothing day

I came to the realization as I was cleaning the bathroom today that do-nothing days don't really exist anymore. Even on the days when I feel like I'm being incredibly lazy because I took a nap, watched a movie or read while Adam was sleeping... I still accomplish at least one of the following 3 chores (if not all of them); a load of laundry, sweeping the kitchen/dining room/family room area, and cooking at least one meal. That's not so lazy, is it? At least not when you're doing that with an 18 month old "helping".

1 comment:

Amy said...

Oh, sometimes the little "helpers" make the jobs take double the time, and they often make additional mess in the process of "helping". I don't think you're lazy at all! I don't think we'd be capable of having a do-nothing day, even if given the option. That's part of the requirements of being a mom.