Monday, July 2, 2007

It was a good day...

I'm so happy to have a fabulous husband, friends and sissie! They made today a great day, even with dr's appointments and errands. Wil even did the grocery shopping WITH our little man, so I didn't have to. The best part though was my super fabulous haircut! Lin and I went together and then went to dinner... it was perfect girl time. And the haircut made me feel like me again...not like the mommy who never looks nice. I'm sure that won't always be the case. I still have an 18 month old running wild, but at least I know that when I make the time it will look like me.


Heidi Totten said...

Yay! I'm glad it was such a wonderful day! If it wasn't 8pm here and 10pm there I would call and sing to you. I've been out all day and didn't get a chance - just barely got home. But I love you and Happy 29th Birthday! Post a picture of your new hair!

Amy said...

Yes, I was hoping for a picture of your new doo! Oh, there is no better birthday present than a new hairdoo and time w/ your sissie! So glad it was a happy birthday.

laurenthequeen said...

Shea will be in town this weekend so I will have her take a cute picture.