Tuesday, July 10, 2007

My go-to meal

I realized tonight as I was making dinner that spaghetti isn't just one of my easiest meals in a hurry, it's also one of the few ways I can guarantee that my men are eating their veggies. Little man is too young to notice that I sneak them in and Wil only picks out the mushrooms. I've also tried to find a balance between what he likes (homemade, simmer for hours) and what I have the time to do. This is our compromise:

1 lb. bulk italian sausage
1/2 large onion
1 green pepper
1 med size zucchini or yellow squash

Throw in a deep skillet and cook until sausage is brown. Drain any excess fat. Add:

1 small can low sodium tomato sauce
1 jar of your favorite sauce (we go for barilla mushroom & garlic or classico italian sausage)
italian seasoning and sweet basil to taste - about a tsp of each

Simmer while pasta cooks. We use whole wheat angel hair and the whole thing is a hit. By the end of the meal, little man is usually head straight for the tub and Wil has enough leftovers to take lunch all week. The best part for me though is knowing that we had something healthy, that fits comfortably in our budget.

...And I just realized that I wrote almost the exact same post in May. What is it about spaghetti? I promise that tomorrow I will come up with something more original!


Heidi Totten said...

Ahhh, tomato sauce is SO good for you! Have you tried the Barilla Plus pasta? It's made out of whole grains and legumes and has a ton of omega-3 and protein. Great way to sneak that in, too!

laurenthequeen said...

That's the one we use!