Tuesday, July 8, 2008

He's definitely a boy

Wil has been adamant that we teach the boys the appropriate names for things, especially body parts. This weekend while I was changing his diaper, our conversation went like this:

Little Man looks down and says, "Penit?"
Me: "Yep"
Little Man: "Biiiiig penit."
Me: "Ok"
Little Man: "Biggest penit ever seen!"

I laughed so hard that now he keeps repeating it to see how we'll react. I can't wait til he's old enough to use this one as blackmail.


Heidi Totten said...

Yeah, he's a boy alright! We get that a lot. Things like, "Mom, my penis is too big." Love that.

Lin said...

"I have the biggest peanut ever seen."

it still makes me laugh a whole darn lot. what a funny kid.