Thursday, July 17, 2008

Weekend Roadtrips

Friday evening we drove up to Kensington to meet David and Robyn at the Temple. David was trying to convince Little Man that his name was really Uncle Fishlips. They had a great time... climbing trees, talking to Jesus and just hanging out together. We also stopped by IKEA to pick up a couple things and get frozen yogurt for dessert. (If you didn't know, IKEA has great big fozen yogurt cones for a $1!!! They are tres delish.)

Saturday we got up early and drove up to Pine Grove/Tremont to visit the Grandmas. We visited with Grandma Becker for a while and took her to lunch at Red Lion (Papa's favorite restaurant). Then after a quick stop at Buddy's for hot chocolate milkshakes*, we drove up the mountain to see where Nana's house used to be and ended up at Grandma Scheib's. We visited for a while and then headed for the pool. Wil and David enjoyed reliving their childhood. Little Man was super brave and went down the 10 foot (?) slide. He realized about half way down what was going to happen. The look on his face was priceless and of course I didn't have my camera out in time. Wil was there to catch him and he was such a good sport. Our conversation after went something like this:

Me: Was that fun?
LM: Yeah!
Me: Wanna do it again?

He did climb up to the top of the slide again and I got some pictures, but there was no way he was going to slide down again. While we were swimming Grandma Scheib was hard at work, two apple pies and two blueberry pies kind of work. Blueberries from the bush next to the house, blueberries. I think Little Man ate at least 2 cups of fresh blueberries that afternoon. He kept convincing different adults to take him down to pick more. I lost track. Thanks to Uncle Danny, Aunt Belinda and Harley, we also had an awesome dinner of BBQ ribs, mashed garlic potatoes, green beans and corn (at least a pound of butter went into the veggies, does that still count as a healthy dinner?) We left around bedtime and Little Man was asleep before we got to the bottom of the hill. Bug was out pretty quickly too and we had a nice quiet drive home. It was a great day!!
Here are the photos:

I realized that I didn't get any pictures of Grandma Scheib, the Aunts, Uncles and cousins. Sorry guys!

*The girl at the carry out counter at Buddy's was about 14. Our conversation went like this:
Me: "I'd like a hot chocolate milkshake, please?"
Girl: "We don't have hot chocolate milkshakes."
Me: "Oh." Stopping to read the menu. "What's a cocoa milkshake?"
Girl: "A milkshake with hot chocolate mix in it."
Me: "I'll have one of those."

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