Monday, September 8, 2008

Back to Reality

11:00pm - bedtime
11:41pm - monkey's toy alarm clock goes off in our room. spend 5 minutes trying to figure out what the noise is and how to turn it off.
3:337am - my husband's snoring wakes me up.
4:31am - bug is screaming. not sure why.
4:55am - garage door under our room opens and closes.
5:06am - wil's alarm clock goes off.
6:27am - bug is awake.
6:30am- my alarm goes off so i can get a shower before the boys wake up. try to sneak out of the room, but bug sees me from the pack & play. (he never made it back to the crib.) make a bottle and hear monkey stirring. grab his milk too.
6:40am- put bug in his crib with his bottle. monkey in his bed with his sippy cup and some dry kix (HUGE mistake) and put up the gate. get in the shower, leaving both doors open. by the time the shampoo is in my hair i can hear monkey climb into bug's crib. when i get to conditioner bug is crying because monkey is in his crib. monkey is crying because he wants back out of the crib.
7ish- get out of the shower. wrap up in my towel to calm the screaming children and find kix everywhere. spend 5 minutes trying to get monkey to help clean them up. 5 more cleaning them up. watch monkey dump them on the floor again. clean them up AGAIN. (i know there are still kix under the crib. too tired to care.) put bug in his bouncer and turn on thomas so i can get dressed. throw on clothes. turn on blowdryer to stop hair from dripping. print out handbook training for my 9am meeting.
8:06am- put bug in his hairchair and try to get breakfast ready before the screaming escalates. add milk to the kix (yes, the ones from the floor.) and put monkey in his chair. sit down to feed bug. clean up bugs face and let him play with the wipe. stop to eat a banana. monkey takes half of it. put toast in the toaster. clean up adam. change diapers and get both boys dressed. start a load of laundry. check bag to make sure i have all the essentials. fix a bottle for later. remember toast. eat it cold with spray butter and take meds. check binder for my meeting. grab a bottle of water. put bug in his seat.
8:42am- out the door.

i know that it's going to take me a little while to get used to being home without wil. and don't get me wrong, i'm VERY happy that he has a job again. i did not expect the first morning to be quite so rough.

for those of you who have two kids sharing a room... how did you do it? any suggestions on how to make the transition? things to avoid?

1 comment:

Heidi Totten said...

Ahhhhh, the sweet sound of employment. Oh wait, the crashing back to reality sound of employment! My recommendation is Lindsey and some calgon.