Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Storytime with Little Man

Yesterday I was laying in bed trying to get some rest to kick this nasty sinus infection and reading Princess Academy. Little Man couldn't decide if he wanted to play next to the bed or cuddle. At one point he climbed up onto the bed, grabbed my book and said, "I read to you, Mommy." This was his story.

Little Man: Once upon a time.
Me: What happened?
LM: There was a castle and a gagon (dragon).
Me: What else?
LM: A yittle boy.
Me: What happened to them?
LM: The gagon eated the yittle boy all up.
Me: Wow, then what happened?
LM: The yittle boy went with the gagon. (Little Man then tries to snitch my book and run from the room.)

Shannon Hale would be proud of the changes to her story, don't you think?

1 comment:

Trish and Matt said...

Haha -- I love Shannon Hale!! And yes, she'd be proud.

Love the new look of your blog! So cute.