Saturday, September 20, 2008

um. gross.

We were driving to Bowie today for a HUGE yard sale. I kept feeling something scratchy on my leg and couldn't figure out what it was. Just as I said to Zee, "I think there's a bug in the leg of my jeans." I leaned over grabbed the seam of my jeans and squished a crunchy black bug between my fingers.


Amy said...

Um. Awesome. Only a girl who served a mission to a 3rd world country could pull off something like that and not drive off the road. You are my hero.

Mimi said...

I agree with Amy I would have been greatly agitated.

Kristyn said...

Did you score any great deals?

laurenthequeen said...

We ended up carrying Bug and using the double stroller for all the stuff... mostly clothes and toys. But the boys were both happy with their stuff and we saved a few things to pull out later. The best deal was the Lightening McQueen costume that I got for $2.50!