Monday, November 24, 2008

All I want for Christmas...

When I was little my Grandmother would start asking for our Christmas lists sometime in September, reminding us frequently if she didn't have it. She's 85 now and doesn't ask, but I'm so in the habit that I usually have a running list in my head (or on Amazon). Here's this years list:
An assortment of Ikea boxes for our Expedit shelves

Curtains for our living room (with curtains rods) These are both Ikea, too.

A cool lamp for our bedroom (also Ikea)

I've been wanting something with the boys' names on it. I like this one.

This cool notepad
Convertible gloves
This is the best picture I could find. I'd like something a little more subtle...maybe black.
And here's my crazy random Amazon list.


Christy Franklin said...

haha that notepad is amazing!

Trish and Matt said...

I'm bound and determined to get an Expedit shelf one of these days for our toy room. Are you pleased with yours?