Thursday, November 13, 2008

The pressure

Quite often as things are happening I'm thinking about the best way to blog the event. It doesn't really matter what it is... Bug's nasty diaper, Little Man's use of the word "shut-up" or that his "tr" sounds like an "f", happy things, frustrating things... you name it. Then I get sidetracked by the next tantrum or cuddle and they never make it up here. Sometimes I wonder if this is really interesting to anyone but me (and maybe Zee or Mimi because they like the pictures of the boys). Then I hear of how someone I've never met or barely know who reads the stuff I write. I wonder what brings them back? What is it that makes them want to read what I post? Do they come back to read about our lives again? How do I sound to people who don't really know me? Do I sound like I'm completely frazzled and frustrated by my boys? Are they coming to see the train wreck? Do I blog enough about the good stuff and the cute things they do? Do they know that I love my boys even when they drive me crazy?

Of course these are completely rhetorical questions. As much as I live for comments and input, we all know that it usually comes down to what there's time and energy to accomplish (which means that sometimes you get frazzled... sorry.) But maybe tonight as I'm trying to fall asleep I'll think of something cute I wanted to post about Bug and how at 8 months he can propel himself out of the bathtub in 2.2 seconds or how when Little Man gets in trouble he tells me that he's "so so so so sorry" in the sweetest voice I've ever heard.


Lin said...

don't forget the "pleedle-leedle-lease". haha.

of course, i think you should always post more pictures. ;)

Mimi said...

I love the pictures but I really live for your take on your day. I can't be there and I am so hungry for news of the boys as well as you and Wil.

Just so you realize I am not trying to make you blog more notice that I have not hit mine in over a month! It is always easier to read than produce.

I love you all