Sunday, November 9, 2008

The boys

I'm not sure what this post will tell you about my parenting abilities. Oh well.
  1. I was so happy that Bug was playing quietly while I was making dinner tonight, until I realized that he was playing with the light socket. Yep. Sticking his fingers in it. I took this picture right after I found him. He looks way too pleased with himself.
  2. I was talking to Jason and Melissa in the hall at church about something cute Little Man said about their daughter. Jason was teasing me about my inability to parent when I realized that Little Man was no where in sight. Someone had found him down the hall, doing who knows what and had kindly brought him back. I think Jason was behind it all.
  3. Little Man was playing "puzzles" yesterday... but we don't really own any puzzles, at least not the put together kind. He made his own. He took dominoes out of the big box and arranged them into the lid until they fit perfectly. I was totally impressed and a little scared.
  4. Bug has started refusing baby food. There are meals when he only wants foods that he can feed himself. Believe me, I have no problem with him being independent. Unfortunately, it means that he's only eating carbs (puffs, cheerios, bread, etc.). Not sure how to handle this one. I can't tell an 8 month old that he can't have his bread until he eats 2 bites of his fruit and veggies.
  5. We watched Polar Express (the "train and ho ho show") tonight. I think Christmas is going to be fun this year. Little Man would like Santa to bring him a birthday present.
  6. My pump is still sitting next to my bed. Little Man has decided that it's the perfect pretend dr's tools. He uses the tubes, along with a click on LED light, to look for bugs in your ears and hair. I'm still trying to figure out why he thinks there are bugs in our ears or hair.
  7. While cuddling with the boys yesterday morning, Bug stood up on our bed to see what was on the headboard. He somehow managed to grab a hold of the cord to the lamp that sits above our bed. I'm not sure how it happened, but the lamp ended up in pieces, the headboard is scratched and we have nice clean sheets. (No one was hurt in the process!)
  8. Last of all, Bug clapped today!

1 comment:

Lin said...

man i miss you guys. it was so fun to talk to you yesterday. bug is getting too too big.
hug kiss