Monday, November 3, 2008


Dear Mr. Chicken Light,
You may look innocent enough, but you are not. You came into out house as a gift and have worn away at my sanity for the last year with your constant squawking. I'm sorry that you were accidentally lost at the bonfire on Saturday. If I wasn't worried about what you would do to Kristyn's sanity if found by her children, I would leave you there.
Waiting for your demise,
The Mommy


Heidi Totten said...

I'm gonna get monkey one of those popcorn push things for his third birthday.

laurenthequeen said...

We have one. It found it's way down to Grandma's house.

Kristyn said...

Ohhhhh - you must not have seen the lost and found email from the Bonfire. Mr. Chicken has been FOUND!!!! He is safe in the basement where he will stay until you pick him up. I will not bring that evil clucking monster of a light upstairs!

Amy said...

Rest in peace, Mr. Chicken light.