Thursday, November 20, 2008


Is that a word? Yes? No? I don't care.

Tomorrow morning at 9:30 I'm dropping my kids off with a friend so I can spend 4 hours with a group of friends going to see Twilight. I shouldn't spend the money, but I don't really care. I wasn't even excited to see it until Book Club tonight when they started talking about their plans. Now I can't wait.

On an unrelated note... We had the sister missionaries over for dinner tonight. We have a new sister in the ward and I kept thinking that she seemed really familiar to me. Then I realized that she reminds me of my dear friend, Anke. I nannied for her little boy when I lived in Germany. Sister Mourier doesn't really look like her, but her voice and reactions were uncanny. It's been 10 years since I've seen Anke, her husband Raffi and their kids (at the time they had 3 or 4, now I think they have 6). It made me miss Anke. A lot.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I love it when I can find a friend who reminds me of another. Is that selfish to care for someone simply because their voice and mannerisms remind me of someone else? Probably. There is a woman in our ward who neither looks like or dresses like you, but she SOUNDS just like you when she speaks, and it makes me happy. I'm tempted to ask her to say, "It's okay." just to make me feel like you're around. I'm sick.