Monday, November 17, 2008

Blogging, International Style - The list continues

I started my list in this post and it continues to grow. We're up to 25!!!! countries (that includes the US). In the last month we've added: Germany, Croatia, Greece, Poland, Philippines, Finland, Sweden, Portugal, Venezuela, Malta and Indonesia.

I know most of these people are randomly finding my blog when they google something and from the looks of it there are a lot of people in those countries who can't tell the difference between morning sickness and the flu. Can't help you there.

But now that we've started this list, I want to see how many countries we can add. So, if you know anyone who lives in a country not on the list, pass on the link. I would offer a prize if they leave a comment, but we all know that there's no way I'm taking my boys into the post office. Sorry.

Vielen Dank, Obrigado, Gracias, Merci....

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