Thursday, August 23, 2007

Bobbing for Binkies

I noticed Little Man today with both hands full of toys and his face planted in the sofa. It seemed a little odd and I could not figure out what he was doing until he came up for air. He had a very proud smile on his face, around the binky that was now in his mouth. Apparently he was using his face to get the binky in just the right position to grab it with his mouth without having to let go of the toys. I'm not quite sure what he was thinking. It's not like there are other kids around to steal his toys and it would have been quicker to put one hand full of toys down and grab the binky. Either way, if he keeps this up, he's gonna be great at bobbing for apples.


Lin said...

haha. he is so funny. and so cute.

Amy said...

He's just preparing himself for having a sibling. Smart boy!