Sunday, August 5, 2007

I am...

In Relief Society today we had to write "poems" about ourselves. We were given a piece of paper that said "I am..." at the top and we had 5 minutes to describe ourselves. Of course there were rules: You had to describe you now, not what you once were or what you hope to one day become. You couldn't use any words such as mother, sister, daughter, friend. You had to describe each of these using "I am" phrases, such as "I am in love with dairy, even though it doesn't love me". This is what I came up with:

I am lightheaded and nauseous, not only in the morning.
I am changing dirty diapers, playing toy trains and always looking forward to naptime.
I am a fuzzy purple blanket, new shoes and big scrapbooks.
I am a listening ear, a damp shoulder, a good hug and lots of cell phone minutes.

Of course, I've been thinking about it all day and have come up with a lot of things to add to the list. But I thought this was pretty good for 5 minutes on the back row.

Now I want to read yours. 5 minutes starts... NOW!


Amy said...

I am five pounds away from my “pre-baby” weight – ugh.
I am taking trips to the park, making peanut butter/honey sandwiches and giving “snugs”.
I am a great book, a hot shower and a large bowl of ice cream and some great music.
I am a good story, an e-mail in your inbox and a fun teacher.

(I like yours the best. It fits you to a tee!"

Heidi Totten said...

I am going in 20 different directions at any given time.
I am making popcorn, tickling kids, and planning surprises.
I am a Suns game, a fabulous book, and good Mexican food while watching a good movie.
I am my blankie, a noisemaker, and a Saturday morning.

wil said...

I am working with wonder in my wife's ability.
I am lacking patience in my trials.
I am learning to give more to the Little Man even though it means - I don't do something for me.
I am lacking in close familial-like friendships.
I am weaker than most think and stronger than many realize.

laurenthequeen said...

I love it! You girls are the best! (and wil too)