Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Your thoughts on the matter...

We need to start thinking about a scheduling Peanut's birthday. We don't have to decide until December, but it's already a popping up in conversation. One of the hottest topics right now is whether February 29, 2008 is a cruel birthday or would it be fun... what do you think?


Lindsey said...

i think it's unwise....not necessarily curel. just think of the extra planning it would take. you'd still have to have a birthday party every year...you just wouldn't have a day to celebrate it on.

wil said...

here here, if it is natural that would be cool, planned = weird!

I am for the 28th of February though.

Lindsey said...

did i really spell cruel wrong?? can you tell it's been a long day? haha. i like the 28th.

Amy said...

I keep forgetting that you are pregnant. It's hard to remember when I don't see you every day! Is the 29th leap year? I knew a girl in elem. school who was born on leapyear and I remember feeling sorry for her that she sometimes didn't have a "day" for her birthday. It's definitely unique, though!