Saturday, September 22, 2007


First of all, I have to tell you that the Grant is DONE. Submitted and off of my desk!!! Hallelujah.

Now back to Little Man's latest discoveries. It feels like all of a sudden his ability to comprehend and climb onto/into things has exploded this week. Every time I turn around he's discovered something new.

1. Opening the linen closet door.
2. The Disney movie "Cars" (4 times in 5 days)
3. Climbing onto the toilet, laying his belly across the bathroom counter, getting his toothbrush, turning on the water, putting his head under the faucet to drink the water and "brushing" his teeth.
4. Spiting. While driving in the car yesterday he figured out how to get a mouth full of "juice" (thank goodness this juice was only water) and projectile spit it all over himself and the car seat. This discovery could come from the above brushing activities. Since the only time I let him in the bathroom now is when I'm brushing my teeth and can keep a close eye on his climbing.
5. Coloring. Up until the past week or so his attention span for coloring has been limited to maybe 5 minutes. It is now one of his favorite things to play. If he's sitting on my lap at the desk, he'll ask for a pen and paper and spend 20-30 minutes drawing... or asking me to write "e" all over the paper. It's been nice to be able to put him in the highchair with paper and crayons and be able to post a blog or answer an email. I LOVE IT!
6. The Mouse in "Goodnight Moon"
7. Climbing from the bed to Wil's nightstand and jumping back onto the bed.

1 comment:

Amy said...

These little "discoveries" seem to be both a blessing and a curse at our house. :)