Monday, September 17, 2007

Very Odd

This morning Little Man woke up at 6:45 crying for his "juice", which is a sippy cup of milk. I tried my normal routine of giving him a pacifier and telling him that it was still sleepy time. That worked for about 10 minutes and he was again crying for juice. The medicine he has been on this weekend has done a great job of kicking the cough, but has made the poor kid terribly gassy and REALLY irritable. It was obvious this morning that he was NOT ready to be awake, but he is stubborn enough to force himself awake for his sippy cup. So, desperately wanting to start the day with a shower, I took his cup of milk into him and told him that he could have his milk, but that he had to go back to sleep as soon as he was done drinking it. TWO HOURS later he was still playing quietly in his crib. I had time to shower and get ready, check my email, make some phone calls and make breakfast. I'm sure that this was a fluke, but believe me, I'm gonna try it again!


Amy said...

That's awesome! Whatever works. :) I'm glad he listens to his mommy!

Trish and Matt said...

Yay for babies who play quietly in their cribs! I've got one of those, too. Unless he's sick, he'll lounge happily for hours.

Heidi Totten said...

I say take what you can get!