Friday, September 7, 2007

Return of the Cough

The first time I experienced The Cough, I was pregnant with Little Man. The Cough started in the first trimester and turned into bronchitis. It came and went throughout the pregnancy and turned ugly the week he was born. The Cough is the main reason behind the no dairy hopes to avoid the Return of the Cough. It worked pretty well until the last few days, then I spent last night keeping everyone in the apartment awake with my dog like barking. I wish I could begin to describe to you what it sounds like. It's so nasty - one of those deep painful coughs that leaves your voice sounding like something that is more fitting to a large burly man. It's really attractive!

At some point last night, I came up with a great post about The Cough and my frustrations. Luckily, sleep finally took over for a couple hours. Unfortunately that leaves this version of "Return of the Cough" for you to read. The good news doctor just called in two prescriptions for me that should help make the weekend better and best of all, will knock me out.


Amy said...

A girl I visit teach is expecting and had the same cough as you described. Yuck. I hope you're back on your feet again, soon!

Heidi Totten said...

Ohhhh, I'm so sorry! I've had that cough before and it's awful!