Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Planes, Trains and Automobiles

After spending over 3 hours in the car yesterday, I was a little concerned about how Little Man would react to a highchair at a nice restaurant. Well, nicer than what he's used to in Calvert County. Luckily, we were early and there's a small park across the street from Wil's office. So we spent half an hour letting the Little Man get some of the wiggles out. At first it was funny because he wasn't sure what to do. You could see the questioning look on his face when I told him he was allowed to let go of my hand and run. Then the magic happened... the amtrak train runs about a block away and even though it's hard to see through the trees, you can definitely hear the engine and the horn. Little Man was amazed. And if that wasn't enough, we realized that if you sit in the right place you can see the planes taking off from National airport. He didn't know what to do. Watch for the planes, try to find the train, run through the muddy grass... what's a little boy to choose. He finally decided that he would run to the center of the lawn, where he could still see the planes, watch for one to take off then run back to us, excitedly pounding his chest (Little Man sign language for "please") and saying "Again, Again". It was nice to not be rushed to be somewhere and to have the time to enjoy him being a little boy.


ART said...

So that's the trick!
I thought he did REALLY well last night.
So good to see you and both Todd and I agreed that Will is GREAT.

Lin said...

adam is so cute. have i ever told you that? haha.

also...we need to hang out, you and i. it's been too long...which only equals like a week with us...but that's still too long.