Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Those Pearly Whites

Little Man and teeth have been an issue since month 4, when he started teething. By 6 months he had 6 teeth and by 7 months he had 8. Up side to the whole thing was that it was over fairly quickly. Now he's working on his 2 year molars and I don't know if we are going to survive. Today was a whirlwind of crying, tylenol, temper tantrums with only a one hour nap for a break. Definitely a "Calgon take me away" kinda day. Until, Susie came over to Mom and Dad's after work and played with Little Man so I could get dinner ready with out any fits. She sure is a great sissie.


Lin said...


i have to admit...that was just me being selfish and wanting him to myself for a little bit. haha - as long as i could help at the same time!!

hug kiss.

Amy said...

wow, that's a lot of teeth! Teething is killer -- for the kids and for the parents. I hope those pearlies break through soon!