Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Vacation: Day 2 - Frank the Concubine

First of all I have a confession to make. (And this has nothing to do with the "concubine" title of my post.) I like Litchfield Beach even better than I like Cape Cod. And for those of you who know about my past love with the Cape, this will come as a huge surprise. There are a few reasons...
1. I can see the ocean from our balcony!
2. We can walk with Little Man to both the pool and beach. This lets us go down for an hour a couple times a day instead of trying to pack up for a few hours at the beach and the 10 to 30 minute drive, depending on which beach we want to go to. When I was single, this wasn't such a big deal. I could easily sit on the beach with a good book for hours at a time.... With a little one, that doesn't really work.
3. The beach is private, so there aren't a lot of people to climb over.
4. The sand is different and the water is warmer. I rarely actually get into the water on the Cape. It's too darn cold and there's a lot of seaweed and stuff. Down here, the water seems much more clear and the sand is finer. We spent an hour in the ocean yesterday morning and another hour playing in the sand last night. It was a lot of fun for all of us. (I have to say that this would be more difficult if there wasn't a washer and dryer in our condo. We do end up covered in sand from head to toe.)
I'm sure there are more reasons, but I'll stop there for now.

As for Frank... we were watching Cars last night and were at the tractor tipping part. Wil's friend, Jonas, had never seen the movie and was getting a kick out of it, when Frank, the COMBINE made his appearance. Jonas laughed at out and said "Frank's a CONCUBINE", completely oblivious to his mistake. I almost wet my pants.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Oooh, post lots of pictures so I can feel like I'm there!!