Saturday, September 1, 2007

A Pilot or a Wingman?

After reading Heidi's blog a couple days ago with her pilot and wingman theory, I've been thinking about which I am in different relationships. At heart, I am a wingman. I am rarely comfortable as the center of attention and have always liked to have someone with me when involved in large social events. I think that's part of the reason Heidi and I made such great roommates for so long. But I was a bit perplexed at which I was when it came to Wil and I. Until last night....

We went on a double date with some friends from the ward. They wanted to learn how to peel and eat crabs, which is one of my favorite things to do. It's definitely a Maryland thing, that a lot of people don't get. It isn't about the food, it's a social thing. Wil didn't get it either until our date last night. Picking crabs is all about being social, it's never a quick meal and you HAVE to be with people you enjoy. So we headed to Abner's, one of those places that looks like a dump, but has great food. We spent 2 hours, picking and eating crabs, shrimp, hush puppies and onion rings, talking, laughing and having a great time. It was FABULOUS! As we sat there, I realized that my husband is definitely the pilot, although I'm not sure he would see it that way. He HATES large social situations and avoids them like the plague. But last night he was totally in his element and it showed - people he felt comfortable with and enjoyed, not too fancy of a place and good food - a great combination. I, of course, was happy to let him run with the conversation and inserted my 2 cents whenever I felt the need. Meanwhile, those crabs sure did hit the spot!


Amy said...

Remember when you took me and Mark Loveless to pick crabs? You were definitely the "pilot". I had no idea what I was doing. I thought "picking" crabs was that you got to "choose" which one you were going to eat! haha. Good times. I'm glad you had a good time.

wil said...

picking crabs can only be done with friends, especially ones that you enjoy spending time with. this makes all the difference. if you do this with just anybody it can be painful.

i don't think that i can qualify my first experience because of the special circumstances. However, I think that if the people present the first time i picked crabs choose to do it again . . . it would be a much better experience for all of us, especially if we have mussels again!

Heidi Totten said...

So here is the thing - you can both be wingmen. Stay tuned for that chapter...