Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The difference a week can make...

For a while I've been feeling like I'm balancing on that fine line between sanity and completely losing it. Overwhelmed by everything I was committed to doing and feeling trapped by the uncertainty of things that I can't control. It was the contributing factor to Susie's insistence that I take the trip to Utah.

When I left for our trip, I had two jobs and a time consuming calling on top of taking care of Adam and dealing with the apartment construction. Since our return, things have changed dramatically... Hospice hired a new development person. They've asked me to come in and train her, but it looks like I'll be done with that before Christmas. Things are slowing down a lot this winter in the landscaping business and I won't be working for KneeDeep after the 1st of December. Then to top it off, I was released on Sunday from my calling.

I feel so free. It's amazing!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Oh, I'm especially glad to hear about your calling. You ARE the L-train, but a one-woman show for the activities committee is just unreasonable. Glad to hear it.