Thursday, November 15, 2007

A dream is a wish your heart makes

I came home from Utah to a few surprises, both good and bad. Things I've been hoping for but haven't really expected them to happen.

The first was a WORKING DRYER. The landlady finally got the dryer fixed. It's so nice not to have to haul everything over to my parents house. I'm on my 4th load - trying to catch up on sheets and towels. I don't like laundry, but today I'm enjoying it. Mostly because I feel like I'm get something accomplished.

The second was winter layoffs. I'm still not sure when they are going to take effect, but when you work for a landscaping company (even if it is your dad) you can't always expect to work year round. We've been lucky the last two years that there has been work through the winter, but not so much this year. Even though the financial part of it is a little stressful, I'm really ready to be done. Family businesses aren't just work, but also a fine line of family politics. Politics that I don't feel cut out for. I'm ready to be done.


Heidi Totten said...

Yay! Working dryer is great! :) I hope that you can get everything worked out as far as work is concerned. :)

Amy said...

Great news about the dryer. I remember doing that for months with our shower. Something that would have taken 8 minutes at home took me two hours when I had to shower at JB's parents' house.