Saturday, November 24, 2007

St. Nick

This weekend was Festival of Trees, the annual Hospice fundraiser. When I was working for Hospice, it was a huge undertaking. Now I enjoy volunteering for a few hours on Saturday morning after Thanksgiving. Plus there are a ton of things to enjoy and get you in the mood for Christmas. Festival has over 70 decorated Christmas trees lining the halls of one of the local high schools. There are "shops" you can visit to buy crafty stuff, pictures with Santa, entertainment from local schools and churches, and food of course. This year I spent a couple hours at the Hospice table, greeting people and running into old friends, before Wil, Little Man, Susie and Sheryl met up to see everything that was going on. My goal was to get Little Man's picture with Santa. It only costs $2 for the instant picture that they take, plus they let you take one with your camera too. Unfortunately, the result of our $2 was the candy cane that Little Man reached for from 2 feet away... he wouldn't get any closer than that. So this is our 2007 picture with Santa:

1 comment:

Amy said...

Santa's pretty scary looking if you think about it. Boo reminds me every day that she, "doesn't like that guy". She doesn't want to get anywhere near him or even see his picture in a storybook. I guess we don't have to worry about her losing the "true" meaning of Christmas!