Thursday, November 1, 2007

One of THOSE days

This should be my cute Halloween post of us Trick or Treating last night. Unfortunately yesterday was one of those days where you're happy to have survived without inflicting bodily harm on yourself or your children. Our landlady woke Little Man up sometime before 7 and the terrible twos kicked in right away. Everything we did was a screaming fit. By noon I thought I was going to lose my mind and put him down for an early nap, hoping it would last a good 3 hours. 2 hours later he was awake and crying to get out of the crib. He settled down quickly with some cuddles and his milk cup and was good until dinner time. Then the tantrums started again in full force. He wanted to get in his monkey suit and was excited about that, but the car seat was a different matter. So as we were driving from my parents house to a small neighborhood close by (much better suited for 2 year-old's), I called it quits. As he screamed in the back seat, the visions of dragging Little Man in full tantrum down someone's driveway because he didn't get what he wanted, overcame any sense of motherly duty. When we got home Wil took over and made me go to bed, which was probably the best thing he could have done. My nerves were shot and the guilt of giving in to the tantrum was kicking in.

Today is better. Sleep solves so many frustrations or just gives you the patience to deal with them. Of course, I realize that he's only 22 months old and has no idea what Halloween is, or that he missed anything last night, but I still feel bad... maybe I'm just missing the candy I would be snitching from his bag right now.

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