Monday, November 19, 2007

The Energizer... Cow?

About 10 years ago, my grandparents took a trip to Switzerland to see where their ancestors had lived. My grandmother returned with all kinds of cow bells as gifts and as souvenirs. One of these bells came attached to a mechanical cow. The kind you see in front of the toy store at the mall. It walks around, stops and moos for hours on end. Seriously. HOURS. I know this because a couple months ago she gave it to Little Man as a gift. At first he was terrified of it. If anyone turned it on, he would run to me and climb onto my lap until the beast stopped mooing. Then there was a change of heart. Now, he loves "Moo". He wants Moo to be turned on at all times. He will actually look for Moo through his other toys, have me turn it on and then leave it walking into a wall, oblivious to the noise.

Wil and I, on the other hand, aren't oblivious to the mechanical walking noises which seem to echo through the apartment. When Little Man first started wanting Moo to walk, we quickly decided that once these batteries wore out, that was it. Moo would be permanently "sleeping". That was at least a month ago! Moo is the Energizer Bunny. He has stopped mooing, but will walk around the apartment for hours on end. So now I'm thinking Moo might get "lost" during the move to the new place.


Lin said...

definitely lose it. that thing is possessed. and annoying. and it's true...he turns it on and leaves it...sometimes in a cupboard. hiding it is not an option - he will find it and it will moo until the end of time.

Amy said...

haha. Great post. I remember my little sister's video "Animals in Action" got "LOST" years ago. Now I wish I hadn't thrown it away because I know that my own kids would have loved it. Any way you could take the batteries out of the thing?