Friday, November 16, 2007

The tractor says... "Moooo"?

Some of you may know of Little Man's love for vehicles. Anything that moves really, planes, trains, cars, trucks, - you name it. Luckily, he has yet to show a preference for a certain brand or character, but he does recognize them. He loves to watch the Disney movie "Cars" and if he happens to find Thomas or Bob the Builder on TV he's completely enthralled. This usually works to my advantage and I will admit to using it as bribery for both car trips and plane rides (and sometimes just to get dinner on the table).

A couple weeks ago in the soup aisle of the grocery store, he started yelling, "vroom, vroom" (he calls things by their sound). It took me a few minutes to figure out what it was that he wanted, until I spotted the Campbell's soup label with Mater and Lightening McQueen. Little Man was insistent that he have that can of soup. I was weak and gave in, justifying it in my head that at least it was soup and not candy. (Right?) Plus he loves chicken ramen and the soup should have a little better nutritional content than a pack of ramen, at least there are carrot pieces (for triple the price).

So yesterday as I was trying to figure out what to feed him for lunch I came across the Cars chicken noodle soup can. Thinking that it would be good for his cold, I showed Little Man the can and asked if he wanted car noodles for lunch. I couldn't get it fixed quick enough, he was so excited. He almost ate all of the noodles plus carrots and some broth. What little was left he finished off today, drinking the broth with a straw. Now I'm faced with the dilemma of whether or not to buy it again. It kills me to spend double on a can of soup just for the label and car shaped noodles. But is it worth it to know he's eating something "healthy"?

1 comment:

Amy said...

Maybe you could peel off the label and adhere it to whatever you want him to consume? Frozen veggies? Isn't it funny how it becomes more appetizing if the packaging has their favorite character on it? That's really funny he enjoyed it so much. Watch for that soup to go on sale!